Ever get so mad or frustrated that you can’t see straight? Especially in a Job Interview?
I feel that way right now. I had an interaction with a job seeker who refuses to adjust his foolish practices. What are we to do with this kind of anger? It gets in the way that is for sure.
It is a bad idea to follow through with your first impulse. Hitting someone or punching a wall is a bad way to get out your anger. Let’s not make the problem worse.
We can’t afford to let anger, frustration or dismay interfere with our plans. We have to create a vision of our future then work diligently through hardship and disappointment to reach our goal, even if it seems like we take two steps forward and one step back… or maybe three steps back.
I am trying to remain positive. I am sitting up straight in my chair thinking happy thoughts… It is not working. Maybe I need a walk.
Let’s get practical. Here are some tips for staying positive in the face of adversity:
1. Walk away from the situation until you calm down.
2. Get some exercise. Go for a walk or a run. Go to the gym and lift some weights or hit a punching bag.
3. Create a positive environment. Clean off your desk to remove the mess getting in the way of seeing clearly. Just cleaning gets can clear up a big messy feeling.
4. Put on some wild music and dance like a crazy person until you breathlessly drop to the floor.
5. Put the project aside and take a nap; come back to it when your head is clearer. Sometimes being in a dark room can make you feel calmer.
6. Cry. Ok, don’t cry at work or in public but if you can walk away find a private place to let out your emotions.
7. Play with your dog or cat. Or borrow someone’s dog or cat. Scientists say that petting an animal soothes the wild soul.
8. Make a list of all the work you have to do. Put it all in one place then prioritize. Pick off some easy ones to give yourself a sense of accomplishment.
9. Smile. Listen to a comic and laugh. Fake it if you have to. The act of smiling will eventually bring a real smile to your face.
10. Draw your feelings.
11. Meditate or practice deep breathing exercises to clear out the bad feelings and calm down.
12. Write your feelings in a journal.
13. Go to your happy place. Where would you like to be if you could be anywhere in the entire world? I want to be on a warm tropical island with a fruity drink sitting in the warm sun by the water. I feel calmer already.
14. Count to 100 before doing something drastic. The act of counting requires you to focus on something other than the annoyance in front of you.
When you calm down take a deep breath and address the issue head on. I feel better already!!